Fusion Performance Training

When Picking a NYC Personal Trainer

I Choose…

Choosing a personal trainer is a big deal and generally a big investment. It’s also a commitment of your blood, sweat, and tears, so naturally, you must make an informative decision. Go with the unqualified trainer and you could be running in painful circles without actually moving forward (toward your goal).

This decision is a daunting task because of the exuberant amount of unqualified “Professionals” claiming to be what they are not. Muscles and six pack abs do not equate to a qualified trainer, if one at all. Knowing how to work out versus knowing how to train a client are two very big differences, which we’ll talk about later. In short, it’s beyond the physical appeal, it’s about the personal trainer’s skill set, which makes this an even more difficult decision process.

I’m going to rip off a very fitting quote from a great minded doctor I had dinner with the other night, “You don’t go to a race horse to get faster, so why should you got to a meathead to get faster,  lean, or stronger?”

Ahh made me laugh my A$$ off!

Making Your Decision:

There are many aspects to consider before making your decision, and it’ll be difficult to narrow it down. But if I had to, I would base it off of this:

So I’ll leave it at that, I hope this helps make your decision a bit easier, and feel free to leave any questions or comments below.
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