Fusion Performance Training

Turkey Day Workout

Just because it’s Thanksgiving doesn’t mean you shouldn’t workout! It’s actually probably a great time for you to get in a workout!

Reason being:

“But the gym is closed”

No excuses! You can do a quick body weight workout


Warm UP!


Repeat x3-5 rounds with minimal rest

*You can add in some shuttle runs or sprints in between each exercise or each round to add in some variety and spike the heart rate up!

This workout can be as short as 15-20minutes, depends on how fast you move and time you have available. So no excuses, go get in a quick workout and EARN that meal today!

Happy Thanksgiving!

* Do this workout at your own risk. Any exercise program carries with it some risk and we are not responsible for injuries sustained from this one. You should consult with your doctor before starting any new exercise program.

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