Fusion Performance Training

The Warm Up

A warm up is very important for everyone, including athletes and regular weekend warriors. It’s a simple concept that is way too often overlooked. Most people jog on the treadmill for 5-10min, break a sweat and think they are ready to go. I even remember a athlete of mine that thought sitting in the hot tub was considered a warm up???

A proper warm up can help increase your performance on the field and in the weight-room and could potentially help decrease risk of injury. At Fusion Performance Training we really believe in a strong warm up. Here is our template on how we break down a general warm up:

Some Examples of Foam Rolling:


IT Band/Quads/Adductor:


You’ll generally roll 5-10 times but it’ll be dependent on how tight you are, so feel it out.

Here is an example floor routine you can do pretty much anywhere:

Just like foam rolling, repetitions are dependent on how tight you are, in general I’d recommend 10-15 per exercise.

Afterwards you’ll do your muscle activation such as:

That’s pretty much it, play around with it and see what works for you. And remember to spend extra time on particularly tight areas.

Let us know how it went!



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