A warm up is very important for everyone, including athletes and regular weekend warriors. It’s a simple concept that is way too often overlooked. Most people jog on the treadmill for 5-10min, break a sweat and think they are ready to go. I even remember a athlete of mine that thought sitting in the hot tub was considered a warm up???
Keeping the Annual “Program” Simple BUT Effective
NYC Personal Trainers and Strength & Conditioning Coaches, we’ve all been a part of it, the on going research for the holy grail, the “Perfect Program”. Unfortunately, there is no such thing but with a strong foundational knowledge and coaching skill we can get close.
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Women Can’t Do Pull Ups?!
This ARTICLE from the New York Times has been flooding my email box. Basically the articles states that women can’t do pull ups because:
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Dynamic Warm Up- Adductor Rock Back
The “Adductor Rock Back” is a great movement to add into your warm up routine. Groin pulls are prevalent in a wide range of sports and this movement could help you stay healthy.
Who Makes the Athlete, the Equipment or the Coach?
I was listening to the Strength Coach Pod Cast the other day on the topic of exercise equipment utilized and the coach’s skill level. With all the hype of new equipment, chains, prowlers, tires or whatever monumental piece the “In” things is, I believe the core to an athletes success is the Coach’s skill level.
How “Fuzz” CAN Cause Lack of Mobility & Flexibility
What does “Fuzz” has to do with our LACK of Mobility & Flexibility?