The Olympic weightlifting variations have been extremely popular to utilize in the sports performance training world. Many coaches and trainers look at Olympic weightlifters and see the extremely powerful, coordinated, athletes that they are and [Read more…]
The Keys to Train at a High Level
If you want to perform at a high level, then you have to accept that there will be sacrifices. I’m not talking about baby sacrifices, like not going out to dinner a few times week but sacrifices that may not always be ”fun”. There seems to be a big disconnect that training, dieting, and practice is about what works for you on your schedule and that it’s always comfortable. While this mentality is completely fine for the everyday person, however if you truly want to go to the next level [Read more…]
How to Succeed as a Coach

Learn from one of my biggest mistakes and I’m sure you’ll be much further along as a coach or personal trainer.
To succeed as a sports performance coach or personal trainer is beyond your fitness knowledge, programming skills, and acute “coaching eye“. It’s about getting “buy in” from your personal training client and athletes.
Exercise of the Week: Superman Plank Hold
The “Superman Plank Hold” is a bad ass variation of the plank. This is a KILLER ab, core, trunk, or whatever you want to call it exercise. It’s a great exercise to start adding into your own routine, not only because it’s great for your core/trunk [Read more…]
My Bench Has Stalled What Should I Do?
A few months ago I took on an interesting consult call that was very enlightening. The person, let’s call him “John” wanted help in regards to increasing his bench. Here’s his background:
John was a former collegiate athlete and was still in good shape- Bench Max: 315, Squat Max: 400, Deadlift Max: 415. His goal was to [Read more…]
Five Steps to Sure Success – Lessons from an NFL Running Back
Did you know that around 5% of NCAA football players make it into the NFL each year?
A few months ago I got to catch up with former Carolina Panthers running back Nick Goings. Nick has a colorful past that included a devastating knee injury earlier in his college career and having to switch universities, despite this he not only made it into the NFL, he had a coveted eight-year career with one team! [Read more…]