Yesterday we talked about the benefits of compound exercises such as the squat. Compound movements like the squat are great exercise movements that will not only get the heart pumping but also build great strength. The only problem is [Read more…]
Vega One Protein Review
Supplement protein powders are a great alternative to get in a little extra protein in your diet. The problem for me, and I assume most [Read more…]
Dead Hang Plyo Pull Ups
The Dead Hang Pull Up is a great exercise to help develop upper back strength. But the Dead Hang PLYO Pull Up takes it to another level!
Machines Revisited
I believe machines get a bad reputation in the fitness field field. It’s to the point that if you step on a machine, you’ll get labeled the bitch lifter. While I used to be hard core against machines, figuring high rep squats can get your legs and heart pumping more than any leg press can…but blowing out my back again made me rethink this position.
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Do You Have What It Takes?
We live in a fast paced world where people expect immediate fixes EASILY…unfortunately this mentality is all too common in the fitness industry. It also doesn’t help that the media is always pushing out BS articles that “deliver” faster results with less work…Oy vey [Read more…]