The Bandaid Approach


Deal with Reoccurring Injuries At The ROOT of the Problem

When you have an injured shoulder, you’d think to address the shoulder. So you get a massage, roll it, stretch it etc…  and it starts to feel better. But it just keeps coming back. We’ve all been there, having to deal with nagging shoulder pain, back pain, or knee pain. We work them out, it feels good, we push it, and then boom, there it is again!

The problem is that you’re more than likely not addressing the root of the injury. You may feel the pain in a specific spot and deal with it directly, but that’s a bandaid approach. If you want to make an impact, look beyond the pain and go to the source. Sounds really confusing but trust me, it’s simpler than you think.  [Read more…]


Just DO Something


Just DO Something

I read a post by Mark Manson regarding his “Do Something” principle to accomplish your goals. I whole heartily agree with this concept. In fact we’ve [Read more…]


Exercise of the Week: Superman Plank Hold


The “Superman Plank Hold” is a bad ass variation of the plank. This is a KILLER ab, core, trunk, or whatever you want to call it exercise. It’s a great exercise to start adding into your own routine, not only because it’s great for your core/trunk [Read more…]


My Bench Has Stalled What Should I Do?



A few months ago I took on an interesting consult call that was very enlightening. The person, let’s call him “John” wanted help in regards to increasing his bench. Here’s his background:

John was a former collegiate athlete and was still in good shape- Bench Max: 315, Squat Max: 400, Deadlift Max: 415. His goal was to [Read more…]


Online Training | Personal Trainer in NYC


Sports Performance Training NYC

Online personal training and nutrition coaching has been exploding over the last few years. It works great for both parties because of the ease and simplicity of it. But be warned, this is the fitness industry and there are a LOT of ‘tricks’ so [Read more…]



NYC Personal Trainers - Fusion trained

NYC Personal Training

Personal training in NYC involves more than simply running on a treadmill while a drill instructor-turned-trainer screams: “Move faster, push harder!” The goal of performance and personal training is finding the right method to motivate you and creating a tailored program that targets your unique nutrition and fitness needs. This is how Fusion Trained generates results that ensure clients stay satisfied with their progress.

Not everyone is created and motivated in the same way, and Fusion Trainers have the expertise to inspire you to achieve your goals. The key to your success is a highly qualified NYC Personal Trainer who will help you make healthy choices that fit your lifestyle through training habits such as;

  • Progressive, structured, tested programs based on your personal goals, physical capabilities, and needs.
  • Fusion Performance Trainers do NOT follow fads. These programs are developed through years of field experience with world-class coaches.
  • Nutritional coaching that fits your lifestyle.
  • Various training locations for your convenience: In-home training, outdoors, company gym, or a local private personal training facility.
  • Trainers that have the tools to achieve, motivate, and inspire you to be successful.

Whether you’re looking for personal training in NYC, in-home or in a gym we have a quality service that will fit your needs and provide the results you deserve. Contact us today and find out what it means to be Fusion Trained!