A warm up is very important for everyone, including athletes and regular weekend warriors. It’s a simple concept that is way too often overlooked. Most people jog on the treadmill for 5-10min, break a sweat and think they are ready to go. I even remember a athlete of mine that thought sitting in the hot tub was considered a warm up???
Women Can’t Do Pull Ups?!
This ARTICLE from the New York Times has been flooding my email box. Basically the articles states that women can’t do pull ups because:
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The “Coaching Eye”
Before you read on, PLEASE take ONE minute & NINE seconds to watch this video:
When Picking a NYC Personal Trainer
I Choose…
Choosing a personal trainer is a big deal and generally a big investment. It’s also a commitment of your blood, sweat, and tears, so naturally, you must make an informative decision. Go with the unqualified trainer and you could be running in painful circles without actually moving forward (toward your goal).