If you’re new to Coaching or training, you’ll find that you have to manage MANY personalities through your career. Some are great to work with while others are bad and can ruin your day.
Danger of This Mobility Drill
You’ve seen this squat mobility drill above, it’s common for a majority of the population to look like the above pic. The issue isn’t necessarily the drill itself but the execution of the movement.
Turkey Day Workout
Just because it’s Thanksgiving doesn’t mean you shouldn’t workout! It’s actually probably a great time for you to get in a workout!
Upper Crossed Syndrome
Upper Crossed Syndrome:
While the term sounds all fancy, it’s actually quite simple. The term was developed by Dr. Janda, “Upper Crossed Syndrome”, is the typical desk worker that has a hunched over body and the head tipping forward:
Training Education Seminar To Watch
Every few weeks I’ll plan to post a seminar, dvd, book, journal, etc… that I feel has benefited me in some way, so hopefully it can improve your skills too.
An example of Fasical Stretching
I’ve briefly talked about “Fascial Stretching” and the benefits of it in the past posts. As I was doing some research I found this from Tom Myers, looks like this week is going to be a tribute to Anatomy Trains!