Fusion Performance Training

Taco Seasoned Stuffed Bell Peppers

Taco Meat Stuffed Bell PeppersThis year my goal is to cook more often at home. This can be a bit difficult to do if you live in a typical Manhattan apartment where the kitchen is the size of a small desk, however I’m proud to say that I’m doing well so far.

With that said, I have a SUPER simple recipe for you guys, even for those that are a little challenged in the kitchen :p

“Taco Seasoned Stuffed Bell Peppers”, is super simple to make and even easier if you have left over taco meat. Slice the peppers, place the ground meat in, and boom simple meal in 15-20min with less than 5minutes prep time. If you don’t have left over meat, no worries, super simple tip- cook the beef! Wooo tough one :p Try different seasonings to spice up the meal too.

What You Need

I just used whatever I had left over in my refrigerator which was:

How To

Simple, fast, healthy, and lower on carbs (depending on what you put in).

If you guys have other simple recipes drop us an email (info@fusiontrained.com) to get featured on one of our posts.

Team Fusion Trained

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