Rubik’s Cube


Personal Trainer NYC

Thanks to Toni Blay

Everyone knows what a Rubik’s cube is and how damn difficult it is. If you don’t, the premise is to align all individual colors together, how you get there is clearly the difficult point, at least for me… But once you figure out the pattern and method, you’re good to go.

The Rubik’s cube is very similar to programming and Coaching. Most personal trainers and sports performance coaches know the basics:

  • What X exercise is and what it should look like
  • What X exercise should NOT look like
  • The basics of programming (speed-strength, strength speed, absolute strength etc…)

Just like in the Rubiks cube you know that you can twist/turn the box to get your effect but the key to success to figure out which direction to turn. Just like in programming or coaching/training you need to know when to add in speed-strength or absolute strength etc.. for each individual, it’s all about timing. Without this knowledge you won’t obtain the best results.

Strength and Conditioning NYC

Thanks to Jose Goulao

Take for example a Sprinter, you watch the the athlete run a 20 meter straight sprint, you see something wrong, but what is it? Here is where the Coaching eye is crucial…ok so from there, let’s say you figured out what’s wrong, now what do you implement to fix the issue? This is where coaching knowledge of programming and translation of sport is key. Without having these fundamentals tools for coaching the athlete will not progress effectively.

While this breaks down coaching very simply, it’s a lot more intricate than most people give credit. Long story short, it’s very important to have a knowledgable coach or personal trainer that understands many different aspects of fitness and sports performance training. Do yourself a favor and hire a knowledge sports performance coach to help you obtain your sports goals. Athletes have a small window of opportunity to excel, utilize it wisely!

Stay strong and train smart,

Team Fusion Trained

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Chris MatsuiAbout the Author

Chris Matsui is a highly sought after Performance Training Coach in NYC who has worked with high-level athletes and general fitness clients of all ages and at every fitness level. He has a unique background that consists of personal training in the private setting and sports performance training at the professional and collegiate level. Connect with Chris on Google+

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