Fusion Performance Training

Roast Your Own Coffee

I was never a coffee drinker until a little over a year ago. I was in Texas for a bachelor party so needless to say I needed that extra punch! Especially after a late night and then getting back up around 4am to visit the UT Coaches.

Now I’m hooked and even roasting my own coffee!

Why Roast Your Own Coffee?

  1. Cost effective: It can save you as much as HALF the price.
  2. Higher antioxidant: Roasting the beans yourself is fresh when compared to buying it off the shelf where processing can take weeks.
  3. Roast it just the way you like it: You’ll perfect it after a few practice runs :). But once you’ve get it down, it’s nice to have more control over the taste for your morning brew!
  4. Fun: I actually take pride in my coffee as I have friends sip on it, as silly as it may sound it’s just nice to say you made this, instead of a Starbucks bought coffee 🙂

Let’s Get Started:

Coffee Beans:

I’m no barista but it tasted it good!

 I like to use a french press, pretty simple to use:


Bodum Chambord Coffee Press







And that’s it, a pretty easy and fun way to make coffee. Give it a shot and let us know how it went!

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