Looking to shed off some weight? Then a personal trainer is a great investment! Notice that I used the word “investment”? Personal training, especially in Manhattan, doesn’t come cheap but with the right trainer it’ll be very well worth the cost. I’ve had clients make their money back just by fitting back into their old clothes and looking damn good! 🙂 Going back to the question, “Does personal training work for weightloss? I’d say enthusiastically YES! Here’s a few reasons why:
Training Efficiency
A personal trainer is hired help you obtain your goals, in this case weight-loss, utilizing their knowledge and skill set. While anyone can workout and make you sweat, the key skill set a qualified personal trainer will bring is training efficiency. Don’t believe me? Next time you hit the gym, take a look around and notice if anyone has significantly changed- I’d specifically look at the people that always have to do the elliptical machine. Unfortunately a majority of these people spend countless hours working really hard but not really benefiting from the hard work put in. This is where a qualified personal trainer can step in and help guide them, maybe they need to lift more appreciable weights or maybe then need to take the intensity down! The trainers assessment can save you SO much time and effort.

We all know that a personal trainer can help you get motivated in the gym and keep you accountable. But an effective personal trainer will also focus on your diet too. We’ve all heard the term “you can’t out train a bad diet”. In short, if you eat like crap no matter how effective the trainers program is and how hard you work out, it’s going to be very difficult to achieve your weight-loss goal. Because of this, a qualified personal trainer will assess out where the weak link is -whether it’s your diet, food preparation, mind set, intensity of the workout, or a little bit of everything-and develop an efficient and effective plan to help your reach your weight-loss goal.
Let the Personal Trainer Do the Work
Throughout my experience working with performance training athletes or weight-loss clients, the issues lies on the path. The fitness field has done a great job at marketing that “Fill in the black nutrition” is the BEST way to lose weight fast or “X training method is helped me lose 100lbs” etc… with all the clutter of junk pushed I can understand why it’s so confusing. This is where a qualified personal trainer will sit down with you and go over the plan to help you on your way. Keep in mind that as with most plans, it will slightly change but the principles of the plan should maintain. Buyer beware though, if your personal trainer is pushing a bunch of different supplements at you, I would reevaluate the trainers qualifications. Why? Because as we all know supplements are only as strong as the diet and the DIET + workout should be the bulk of the focus.
The point of the post is that a skillful personal trainer will give you an outside perspective on:
- Nutrition- where do you go wrong, what you should eat, what you should stay away from etc…
- Workout- what exercises, intensity, weight, technique, volume etc…
- Lifestyle- help prepare you to deal with obstacles such as going out, risk vs. reward.
- Supplements- if you need any
There’s a reason why movie stars that need to get jacked up for a role or athletes getting prepped for a combine test hire personal trainers = to maximize their potential in the most efficient manner.
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