from zimpenflish
In the past I wrote about some great books for personal trainers and sports performance coaches–post here–these books are great fitness programming and exercise selection books. BUT being a NYC personal trainer goes beyond fitness, it’s also about motivating, customer service, caring, and much more. Sometimes personal trainers get caught up in the training aspect and fail to talk about the other aspects of our field. I believe the following books have been very intricate in my development as personal trainer in NYC beyond just fitness training.
Delievering Happiness by Tony Hsieh
A great read about customer service and developing a positive culture that benefits employees and the customers.
“How to win friends and influence people” by Dale Carnegie
Here’s a quick summary:
This book really gives you perspective and great tips on why you should care about your clients. Now a days, especially in NYC, I believe people just don’t care anymore. It’s sad but eventually this way of thinking will catch up.
Leading with the Heart: Coach K’s Successful Strategies for Basketball, Business, and Life
This book is FULL of great motivational quotes and stories on how Coach K developed his winning team culture at Duke.
Stay strong,
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