NYC Preparing for Sandy


Today (Sunday) was an interesting day, as we New Yorkers are anticipating what Hurricane Sandy has in-store for us. I see many people packed in the grocery stores, bodegas, hardware stores etc… looking for supplies and food.

They are preparing their food for the next few days in anticipation of a power outage. Yet I’m willing to bet these are the same people that are saying I have no time to make my food, prepare my food, or goto the grocery store…

While it’s an initial change or an initial inconvenience, preparing your own food can make a drastic change in your body composition and your wallet, especially in NYC!

Set yourself up for preparation success by:

  • Dicing up vegetables before hand, this will make it very simple to cook or through into your salad or for snacks. You can also buy pre-cut veggies that are already prepared for you.
  • Cooking your meat, just like the veggies, it’s convenient to have a quick meal to heat up.
  • Marinating your own meat, or you can buy prepared meat ready to be grilled.
  • Was your dishes after you eat, I know this sounds silly but if you have a clean sink you’re more likely to cook. I know I hesitate to make my meals if I have a pile of dishes waiting for me.
  • Have tupperware: clearly this will help you store your prepared foods stated above.

Using your oven to roast food or slow cooker makes it even more convenient to prepare your meals too. I’ll post a few different meal ideas later this week that doesn’t take much preparation time and still allows you to have a hot meal at the end of a hard work day.

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Chris MatsuiAbout the Author

Chris Matsui is a highly sought after Performance Training Coach in NYC who has worked with high-level athletes and general fitness clients of all ages and at every fitness level. He has a unique background that consists of personal training in the private setting and sports performance training at the professional and collegiate level. Connect with Chris on Google+

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