NYC has an abundance of gyms and trainers to go with it. Most trainers pay a small fee to bring their clients into a gym and hope that they don’t have to deal with other idiot trainers. So if you’re a Trainer in NYC you really need to be following these 3 basic rules.
There’s no dibs
I had an issue a few years back where a trainer was warming up his client but called dibs on the squat rack and to add to that he was very adamant that we didn’t work in.
There’s two rules broken here, let them work in and there’s no dibbs!
Squat Rack Usage
We all know the adage “No curls in the squat rack” but ironically enough, now I see trainers attaching their TRX or some other suspension device onto it. There are other places to put these sort of devices in most gyms, don’t desecrate the holy squat rack!
What is allowed in the squat rack:
- Rack Pulls
Clean Up

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