Nutrition Compliance


NYC Personal Trainer

Photo by Moyan_Brenn

Nutrition just like fitness has many different avenues to succes. This can be extremely confusing to most especially since many avenues totes that “this is the best and most effective method” and yada yada yada. To be honest, X method maybe the most effective way of dieting but the BIG issue people fail to focus on is if there is no compliance there’s no results!

Step by Step Approach

Whatever method you take whether it be, Paleo, Mediterranean, low glycemic, Atkins, etc…you should slowly ease into it. This is especially true for those that have a low compliance rate when sticking to past nutrition plans.

Let’s take on the popular “Paleo” diet.

The rules:

  • High protein intake
  • low carb/glycemic index (minimize starches)
  • High fiber
  • Mod-High fat
  • Tons of veggies!

In essence this is pretty much a zero carb diet. So for those that are used to eating a sandwich, pasta, potatoes, chips etc…this means you need to cut ALL that out.

One approach for the “Step-by-Step” method would be to figure out how many days you can truly follow this to the “T”…Typically I would suggest 2-5 days with a 95% compliance. Once you’ve successfully hit your markers set for 2+ weeks than you would take the next step. The next step will be determined based on what you feel you can handle and the level of difficulty you chose from the get go. It can be as simple as increasing the days of compliance to 3 days now instead of 2, the point is to figure out a habit that you can sustain and keep building off those successes.

The Main Point

The “Step-by-Step” method may not be the most glamorous or the fastest but in my opinion it’s the most effective. This methods is successful for many reasons:

  • Build habits.
  • Develops around your lifestyle.
  • Slowly transitions you into better choices.
  • Simple!

If you look at this in the long term approach I can bet that you’ll have a strong lasting HEALTHY nutritional outlook from this simple method. Versus a short term fast quick fix diet and than go back into the same old ways of eating.

One last important advice I’d have to give when it comes to nutrition is to figure out a game plan and stick with it.

Stay strong,

Team Fusion Trained

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Chris MatsuiAbout the Author

Chris Matsui is a highly sought after Performance Training Coach in NYC who has worked with high-level athletes and general fitness clients of all ages and at every fitness level. He has a unique background that consists of personal training in the private setting and sports performance training at the professional and collegiate level. Connect with Chris on Google+

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