Fusion Performance Training

Importance of Water

Sports Performance Training

This past weekend I headed out of town to the Bahamas for a quick relaxing weekend trip.    I had a great time with my girl and even bumped into Mark Versetgen, a super humble guy and great Coach.

Athletes Performance working on some NFLPA Reps at the Atlantis Hotel

The weird thing is that I was exhausted and kept getting the chills the whole weekend! No matter how many coffees I drank I was still zapped. I at first thought I was getting sick but I didn’t have a fever or anything and would randomly get bursts of energy through out the day. I attempted to drink as much water as I could but running around the resort and random activities definitely stalled my efforts.

By the time I got home I was back into my routine and finally figured it out, it was due to dehydration from travelling, not drinking as much water as I typically do, being exposed to the sun all day, and the coffees probably didn’t help either.

Importance of Water

It’s clear that hydrating is important in many respects such as:

Dehydration is also sometimes the culprit for those nasty hangovers and sickness. This is why you hear your GP say hydrate and rest.

Here are some notes on hydrating:

Sodium Options

Most people automatically think Gatorade for hydration recovery. While it is beneficial, it’s not the best for you if you’re cutting down. A really simple method is to take a zero kcal drink and add salt to it, while it sounds gross you can do two things to help your taste buds out:

That’s all folks, hopefully this was helpful.

Stay strong and hydrated!

Team Fusion



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