Fusion Performance Training

Focus on the NOW

NYC Personal TrainingI believe success comes from focusing on the small steps leading to the goals instead of the end goal. This couldn’t be more true for the fitness field (personal training, sports performance training, weight-loss etc…).

“If you do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take care of themselves.”

– Dale Carnegie

Personal Training


Dale Carnegie hit the nail right on the head. Unfortunately this method isn’t often accepted within the fitness field. All too often we hear the all too typical media ploy to hook you via- “the fastest way to ‘lose weight’, ‘gain strength’, ‘build muscle’, ‘run faster”, and so on.

If fitness enthusiasts were to take Dale Carnegie’s advice, the focus would NOT be on:

And so on…

The focus would be on simple things such as

Successful Habit Building

As a personal trainer in NYC, we train a wide variety of clientele from weight-loss to professional athletes. Regardless of the goal, all success comes from focusing on habits that work well with their life style.

Focusing on ONE small habit that fits with your lifestyle not only makes it simple but it gives you a sense of accomplishment. While this may seem minimal or mundane to some, it’s far from it and very effective.

The problem we commonly see with personal training and performance training clients is that they want to do EVERYTHING all at once. When you take a trainee that’s not used to dieting and/or training and then place them into these extremes, what do you think will happen? It clearly will overwhelm them with all the new habits to focus on. This sets them up for failure and repeats the vicious cycle of yo-yo dieting or failing to complete the workouts.

This is basically what happens with New Years fitness resolutions. According to the University of Scranton Journal of Clinical Psychology, the #1 New Years resolution of 2012 was to “Lose Weight”. As you probably already can guess, it states that only 8% of the people actually achieve their goal.

We already know this though, there’s even memes making fun this same circumstance. So instead of doing the same thing over and over again, take of Dale Carnegie’s advice

“If you do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take care of themselves.”

Soon enough you’ll find that you’re well on your way to the goal that you worked so hard for.

If this is STILL not enough for you,  listen to Chris Pratt about his transformation for his role in Guardians of the Galaxy:

“All you have to do is a few things everyday and remain consistent….Also seek the help of a coach- like a personal trainer or nutritionist, it might cost a little bit of money but it won’t cost as much as the crap that you’re not going to be eating over the next 6 months..”

“Also seek the help of somebody as a coach, like a personal trainer or nutritionist, it might cost you a little bit of money but it won’t cost as much as the crap that you’re not going to be eating over the next 6 months.”

-Chris Pratt

Full interview below:

Stay strong,

Team Fusion Trained

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