Fusion Performance Training

Dynamic Warm Up- Adductor Rock Back

The “Adductor Rock Back” is a great movement to add into your warm up routine. Groin pulls are prevalent in a wide range of sports and this movement could help you stay healthy.


  1. Start on all fours (quadruped position)
  2. Extend one leg to your side, the higher the leg is up to the hip the stronger the stretch. Start conservatively first by keep the leg lower.
  3. Gently rock back, keeping your back flat, and than progressively go further and further back.
  4. Rounding the back will allow you to go further but does not allow a stronger stretch. Keep your back tight and focus on NOT compensating. This note can translate to many exercises and stretches, it’s all about positioning!


Train safe and smart!

* Do this exercise at your own risk. Any exercise program carries with it some risk and we are not responsible for injuries sustained from this one. You should consult with your doctor before starting any new exercise program.

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