Fusion Performance Training

Core Strengthening Exercises: Planks!

plank variations

Forget about sit ups and crunches to get “Six Pack Abs”, planks are an extremely effective way to fire up your trunk. I can admit as a NYC personal trainer and Olympic weightlifter doing regular planks can become monotonous. Holding a plank for longer than a minute just kills me, it’s not that it’s physically tough it’s that counting down the minutes just bores me to death! So don’t get bored with your trunk or “core” exercises and try these brutally tough plank variations to add to your workouts:

Superman Holds

I’m not quite sure what to really call these other than superman holds, but these suckas are ab KILLERS!

How to:

Simply lock your hands into something secure, then slowly walk your feet back until you can go as low as you feel comfortable and HOLD!


I typically would start off with 5sec holds for about x3-5 reps of x3-5 sets. As you progress try to hold it longer each week, then after about x2-3 weeks try to lower yourself down until you’re about an inches off the ground :p


I wouldn’t add weight to this, unless you have extraordinary trunk strength. If you do decide to add on weight, I’d start with a small plate on your torso, and make sure that you have a spotter.

Weighted Planks

Another great alternative to the regular plank, is to simply add a big ole’ plate on your back.

How to:

Simply hold a regular plank, have a spotter place the plate on your torso (closer to the hip) and hold on for dear life!


I typically program this lift for about 15-30sec for about 3-8sets. It really just depends on the needs of the person and their adaptability.


I’d first start with a lighter weight and each weight increase the load as you decrease your time. For example:

Weighted Side Planks

I really love this exercise and it’s simplicity.

How to:

Simply start in a side plank and place the dumbbell on your hip.


I’d start conservatively first, since this places a lot of stress on your shoulder- especially if you’re not set up properly. Meaning your elbow isn’t aligned with the shoulder.


I’d first start by increasing the time before you increase the weight, like so:

Body Weight Plank Variations

If you’re tired of doing regular planks give these a shot:
-Alternating Reaches
-Tripod Plank
-“Bird Dog” Plank

These variations decrease your total stability in the plank position and really challenge your trunk or “core” strength throughout each movement. If you’re timid, I’d first try the “Tripod Plank” and then move into the “Alternating Reaches Plank”.

How to:

Alternating Reaches: start in a plank position and reach forward with your arms, alternating each reach. Try not to rotate through the hip and focus on staying as flat as possible.

Tripod Plank: start in a plank position and lift one leg up off the ground, holding it for the given amount of time. Focus on trying not to shift your weight nor rotating through your trunk. You can also challenge your self by adding in motion to the lifted leg, either laterally or up and down.

“Bird Dog” Plank: simultaneously lift your opposite leg and reach with the opposite arm. Make sure that you’re completely stable before reaching out.


Alternating Reaches: We generally program this in for time but you can do it for reps too. A typically timed set would be around 20-30sec x 3-5sets.

Tripod Plank: Same thing here I would add it in for time, unless you decide to add in motion with the leg, then you can do reps. We typically program them in for about 15-45sec x 3-5sets

“Bird Dog” Plank: This is another timed reps for about 5-20sec x 3-5sets

Rotational Plank

Another great body weight plank variation you can do anywhere.

How to:

Simple start in side plank with your feet staggered. Start to rotate down as if you were going into a regular plank but don’t put your hand down. This is the difficult part, so go as far down as you feel comfortable. As you get stronger you can rotate all the through.


I usually do about 3-5 sets of x5-10 reps on each side.

You can use a weighted vest, go down slower, or pause a specific point.

That’s it for today guys. Hope that you guy can start to implement this into your new programs. And be sure to follow us and tweet us HERE.

Stay strong,
Team Fusion Trained

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