Ever have those days where everything feels super heavy and your warm up is just ridiculously sluggish? You’re feeling beat up, tired, cranky, and just don’t want to hit the gym. Well naturally people will [Read more…]
Effective Fitness Programming
When you’re looking to get stronger most people look at what the strongest person did, when you’re looking to lose weight most people look at physique competitors or people that have lost a good amount of weight, and so on. We look at other people successes and [Read more…]
Counting Calories for Weight Loss

Photo by Jennifer Burk
If you’re looking to lose weight, it’s pretty typical to look at the calories. It makes sense, since 3,600 calories equates to 1lb. So if I limit my diet by 3600 calories a week then I’d lose 1lb a week. It’s basic science, a calorie deficit will force your body to lose weight. This is the typical reason why people look to calorie counting for weight loss.
With that said, when we actually apply this it’s a much different story. [Read more…]
10 Reasons to Hire a Personal Trainer Part 2

Photo by Rawpixel
Around the New Years time we posted the first part of “10 Reasons to Hire a Personal Trainer “. In the post we discussed the staggered statistics that the #1 New Years resolution of 2012 was to “Lose Weight”, of that population 8% of the people actually achieved their [Read more…]
The Truth About Consistency
If you want results you need to stay consistent, that means you need to stay on course. As a NYC personal trainer I’ve dealt with all types of personalities and the ones that actually get results are the ones that are consistent. But what does being consistent in fitness actually mean?
Fitness Tips for Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a great time to relax and be with friends and family. It’s also a great time to enjoy some feel good foods = high calories. Some say that in one Thanksgiving dinner you can rack up to 4,000 calories! Great for those that are [Read more…]