NYC personal trainers and sports performance coaches use the “Box Jump” as a tool to help with power. The box can be a very useful tool that’ll force the athlete to get X height and generate a specific amount of force. The problem I’ve come across is that the “Box Jump” is now being abused, you’ll see guys landing in an awkward position
Sports Performance Training Fallacies P2
In our first posting on “Sports Performance Training Fallacies” we discussed how, what worked for one will NOT always work for another. Programming for an athlete is all subjective to the athletes strengths, weakness, past history, and development. To add to this we need to understand translation of skills to their specific sport and position.
Band Resisted Step Ups
I’m sure you’re all aware by now how I’m a big fan of the jump stretch bands first created by Dick Hartzell (the guy in the video above. [Read more…]
Sports Performance Training Fallacies P1
In the world of Sports Performance Training there are a lot of misconceptions. The fitness field is full of hype and sometimes things get a bit watered down from the truth. I remember as a freshman in high-school reading that Bo Jackson only did push up and hill sprints, so [Read more…]
NYC Personal Trainer Advice P1: “Certifications”
I’ve been in the fitness field for a little over 10 years now and have worked in various levels of fitness from Collegiate/NFL Strength and Conditioning Coach to a NYC personal trainer. Through out these [Read more…]