There’s just something about high rep squats, they get the heart pumping, the legs fried, and your lungs burning. It’s a tortious lift to do but gives you a sense of accomplishment. High rep squat tests your pain threshold, determination, focus, and drive…it’s you against [Read more…]
Squat Mobilization Cure
Yesterday we talked about the benefits of compound exercises such as the squat. Compound movements like the squat are great exercise movements that will not only get the heart pumping but also build great strength. The only problem is [Read more…]
NYC personal trainers, PLEASE pay attention to your clients. I may sound like a jerk but I can’t stand it when I see so called “Personal Trainers” or “Performance Training Coaches”, texting or taking a phone call during a session. The client paid for your time [Read more…]
Isometric Sit Up
Strong Core
Maintaining a strong trunk/core/abs is beneficial for all aspects of strength and sports. Having a strong trunk can help you squat strength by maintain an upright position in the squat and even help with speed by maintaining your sprint positions.
Say More Speak Less
I remember when I first started working as a Strength and Conditioning intern, I would sit back and observe how the coaches would coach and cue the athletes. After a few months I earned my right to be able to coach and give feedback to my own athletes. As I recall it [Read more…]
Problems Staying Upright in the Squat?
If you’re looking to stay up right in the squat, the following three exercises can potentially help clean that squat up. Regardless if you’re an Olympic Weightlifter, athlete, or fitness enthusiast, I believe a full range of motion and [Read more…]