I’ve mentioned how there is a TON of junk out on the internet and how the personal training field is littered with unqualified morons waiting for the next guru to tell them what to buy or preach etc…
What YOU Should Do the Next Day
When we talk about training hard, everyone knows how to do this, and everyone knows the next day or the day after you’re going to be feeling it!
When to Fire Your Client
If you’re new to Coaching or training, you’ll find that you have to manage MANY personalities through your career. Some are great to work with while others are bad and can ruin your day.
Rules of Personal Training in NYC
NYC has an abundance of gyms and trainers to go with it. Most trainers pay a small fee to bring their clients into a gym and hope that they don’t have to deal with other idiot trainers. So if you’re a Trainer in NYC you really need to be following these 3 basic rules.
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Danger of This Mobility Drill
You’ve seen this squat mobility drill above, it’s common for a majority of the population to look like the above pic. The issue isn’t necessarily the drill itself but the execution of the movement.
Upper Crossed Syndrome
Upper Crossed Syndrome:
While the term sounds all fancy, it’s actually quite simple. The term was developed by Dr. Janda, “Upper Crossed Syndrome”, is the typical desk worker that has a hunched over body and the head tipping forward: