If you’re looking to stay up right in the squat, the following three exercises can potentially help clean that squat up. Regardless if you’re an Olympic Weightlifter, athlete, or fitness enthusiast, I believe a full range of motion and [Read more…]
Understanding Application
The personal training industry is expanding rapidly and with that expansion comes misinterpretation of fitness application. Just the other day I read a post about a sprint coach needing to help an athlete run a faster10m sprint to make a top level team. Unfortunately the coach only had 4 more days to train her and she was missing the marks by .05s on a consistent basis.
Citi Bike
Being a personal trainer in NYC has me travelling all around Manhattan from client to client. It’s great because we get to experience what all the neighborhoods have to offer, from great coffee shops, food, gyms, etc… But getting from place to place can start to become a hassle, ESPECIALLY going cross town, pretty much every NYC personal trainers nightmare.
[Read more…]
NYC Personal Trainer Diet 101
NYC personal trainers and sports performance coaches need to deal with the challenge of getting results. AND as we all know results isn’t just made in the weight room but in the kitchen too. Sooo the young personal trainer gets all ambitious and creates this detailed block periodization program and a meticulous calorie and carb cycling diet that optimizes the workout perfectly.
Box Jump Rant 2
I talked about the dangers of the box jump and how we at Fusion Performance Training utilize the box jump here: Box Jump.
In short I believe too many personal trainers in NYC abuse the box [Read more…]