If you’re not familiar with the “Belt Squat” it’s a great machine used to overload the legs without placing a vertical load on your spine. So this can be beneficial for those with a shoulder, wrist, neck, and even sometimes a lower [Read more…]
Beltless Belt Squat
Ankle Mobility Drill
Ankle mobility is something that’s often over looked. Without going into too much detail, lack of ankle mobility can lead to compensation patterns [Read more…]
Dogmatic Coaching
I really like the stages of coaching Mike Boyle had posted a few years back. Don’t take it literally though, every performance coach and personal trainer’s path will be slightly different and go through various principles but then HOPEFULLY they’ll come [Read more…]
5 Squat Warm Up Exercises
You know those people that can jump right to the squat rack with no warm up and breeze through a tough squat workout? Well let’s face it, I hate them! Ok, ok, I’m just jealous… 🙂  Since my disc herniations, it takes a few different exercises prior to squatting for the squat to feel to good and to find the squat groove, this is of course after a thorough and proper warm up.
Is Olympic Weightlifting Beneficial for Sports Performance
Lately I’ve been getting a lot of calls from athletes asking specifically for Olympic weightlifting training. They believe that focusing specifically on becoming better at the Olympic lifts (snatch, clean, and jerk) will help them become stronger, explosive, and better overall athletes. That in itself is the problem with the fitness industry, many uneducated NYC personal trainers and performance coaches see a sport and think that just because the athletes in that respective sport are explosive that they should train just like them…
[Read more…]

Fusion Trained Olympic Weightlifting
Fusion personal trainers are also qualified Olympic weightlifting coaches, so whether you are interested in this sport recreationally or professionally, Fusion staff will be available to help. For those not familiar with Olympic style Weightlifting, it is comprised of two lifts:
- Snatch
- Clean and Jerk
Unlike its counterpart Power Lifting, which is comprised of the squat, deadlift, and bench press, Olympic weightlifting requires more than just absolute strength – it tests technical efficiency, speed-strength, and mental toughness.
You can learn how to perfect these techniques with practice and guidance from Fusion Personal Trainers who are qualified Olympic Weightlifting Coaches. The Olympic Style Weightlifting training service offered by Fusion is proud to have a sanctioned USA-Weightlifting club based in New York City: Fusion Weightlifting.
Team Fusion Weightlifting is open to anyone interested in training as an Olympic Weightlifter, no matter your age, history, or strength!
Contact us or go to our Fusion Weightlifting page to learn more about our team and philosophies.