So we all know it’s the new year and everyone is into working out. This is great, I love training and I wish more people would appreciate it too. BUT [Read more…]
Lifestyle or FAD
It’s that time of year again where EVERYONE is into fitness and creating long arduous goals that quite frankly will not be executed. It’s sad to say but let’s be honest here, did you complete 3/4 of your 2012 goal list? What about your 2011, 2010, 2009?….probably not.
[Read more…]
Training and Nutrition- The Holiday Edition
Just because it’s the Holidays doesn’t mean you should go balls to the wall and eat everything in sight, BUT it also doesn’t mean you HAVE to stay away from your favorite meal or pastry. With that said, my typical rule is to say to yourself, “Is it worth it?”
Paralysis by Analysis
I’ve mentioned how there is a TON of junk out on the internet and how the personal training field is littered with unqualified morons waiting for the next guru to tell them what to buy or preach etc…
3 Supplements that ACTUALLY Work
The supplement industry is a BILLION dollar field. It’s crazy that people think a single pill will be the cure all, especially with all the knowledge that’s out there.
I’m sure many of you have heard this but it can’t be over stated, “A supplement is just that a SUPPLEMENT to help fuel an EXISTING strong diet.”
How to Stick with Your Diet
You can have the perfect diet on paper but when it comes down to execution, it’s a COMPLETELY different story. We’ve all been there, “I’ll have 5 no carb days, 1 low carb day , and a reefed day”. We build up these grand plans for success and go straight from A to Z. This type of planning usually sets you up for failure. Why? Because you didn’t build up to it.