Fusion Performance Training

Can’t Out Train a Bad Diet

NYC Personal Trainer

Photo by rtomazela

Now that’s it’s summer people are really trying to hammer down their “summer physique”. I love seeing New Yorkers dedicate themselves to fitness despite this heat wave. The determination to hit the gym and work hard seems to be at it’s peak right now. Day in day out, I see many New Yorkers training hard with their personal trainer or performance training coach but sadly I have yet see many of their clients obtain results.


Photo by Jayel Aheram

The personal trainer is working the client hard, the client is crushing the workouts, so what gives? Why hasn’t the client obtained the perfect sculpted body they’ve dreamed of? More than likely it’s their diet. A typical NYC personal trainer sees their client around 3 to 4 times a week for an hour or so. That gives the client 164 hours out of the week to undo all their hard work.


“You can’t out train a bad diet”

Despite all the efforts put into the trainers session, the client still must maintain a proper diet and habits the personal trainer has given. Failing to do so is will significantly diminish the value of the personal training session. So the next time you sit down to eat, ask yourself if it’s undoing all the hard work you and your personal trainer accomplished. What you do today may not effect you tomorrow but will eventually catch up to you soon enough. You know what to do!

“Train hard, train smart” ~ Fusion Trained

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