What’s up guys, got some goodies for your personal training education today. The first post I believe everyone should read. Being a personal trainer in NYC, attempting to compete in Olympic weightlifting again- despite my many injuries, being a weightlifting coach, building a start up, and so much more, I get caught up with all the little BS crap…also doesn’t help that our weather here in New York City has been sucking ass! MOVING ON 🙂 The post by [Read more…]
Core Strengthening Exercises: Planks!
Forget about sit ups and crunches to get “Six Pack Abs”, planks are an extremely effective way to fire up your trunk. I can admit as a NYC personal trainer and Olympic weightlifter doing regular planks can become monotonous. Holding a plank for longer than a minute just kills me, it’s not that it’s physically [Read more…]
9 Overhead Mobility Exercises
Being a NYC personal trainer and Olympic weightlifter, I often get questions about how I’m able to do an overhead squat or overhead press without pain. Generally speaking most people do not have the mobility or stability to obtain the correct overhead position, they’ll either hyperextend [Read more…]
Road to Recovery P1
If you’ve ever been injured and had to deal with the daily nagging pains this is a post for you. Hell, even if you’ve never been injured before you still can learn from this post to hopefully minimize your risk of injury. But inevitable a majority of the fitness population will go through some type of injury (minor or major). The type of severity is the combination of luck, smart training, and genetics.
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Fitness Articles You Should Read
Here at Fusion Performance Training, things are starting to get super busy with a number of new projects we’re working on. It’ll take some time but we’re pretty excited and hopefully we’ll be able to make a positive impact in the fitness field. With that said, during my downtime I try to stay up to date with quality training information, unfortunately in the over saturated and unqualified personal training field it’s hard to find. So I’m going to try to post articles or podcast that I’ve found to be very [Read more…]
The Best Ways to Recover from a Workout P2
We all know that recovery is key to your performance level. In part 1 we discussed the best way to recovery from a workout based on my experience as a NYC personal trainer and strength & conditioning coach. In part 1 we discussed the importance of:
- Fasical band stretches
- Compression bands
- Epsom salt
- Hydration
How to Choose a Gym in NYC
Choosing a gym in NYC is a difficult task to take on, especially since there are so many gyms to choose from. Being a personal trainer in Manhattan, I figured I’d give you a little inside scoop and hopefully help you narrow down your selection. So let’s jump into it.
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Is Olympic Weightlifting Beneficial for Sports Performance
Lately I’ve been getting a lot of calls from athletes asking specifically for Olympic weightlifting training. They believe that focusing specifically on becoming better at the Olympic lifts (snatch, clean, and jerk) will help them become stronger, explosive, and better overall athletes. That in itself is the problem with the fitness industry, many uneducated NYC personal trainers and performance coaches see a sport and think that just because the athletes in that respective sport are explosive that they should train just like them…
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Do you NEED to Squat?
Squats are now the big fitness fad, it’s become so absurd that uneducated personal trainers and fitness enthusiast think that squats cure everything….apparently now a days to get strong you have to squat, to get a butt you have to squat, to be anything you NEED to squat. It’s become such a fitness fad that everyone is trying to squat, even if they aren’t [Read more…]
Keeping Your Knee Healthy
Keeping your knee healthy is extremely important for everyone, not just sport athletes and weightlifters. We need our knee for everyday use, especially for us New Yorkers! People in New York City average around 2+ miles of walking a day. And in-home personal trainers probably average about 5 miles :p. So if you have knee issues, it’s not easy to just “fuggedaboutit” :p