Spring time is here and we all know what that means…got to get ready for the summer beach body! Everyone is hitting the gym and working out with there personal trainer to reach their fitness goals. For those that aren’t working with a NYC personal trainer and busting their butts in the gym but aren’t getting the results they want, then these “4 reasons you’re not getting results” is the post to read 🙂 [Read more…]
Strength Training for Runners – How to Do it Right
In 2013 the New York City marathon had 50,266 total finishers. That’s a lot of runners! Take a look at the many parks Manhattan has to offer and you’ll see people running and jogging. So it’s safe to say that running is a very popular form of exercise in New York City and many other places. This increasing popularity is even more reason why strength training for runners should be widely accepted.
The Single Best Way to Get Into Shape!
Over the last 12 years working in the NFL, NCAA, and now as a NYC personal trainer, I have dealt with many different goals. Throughout this time I’ve found that a single method can get you into the best shape of your life. No more fad diets, crazy non stop workouts, juicing, or supplements with this simple method you’ll look amazing, be strong, and feel great! So what is this method?
Postpartum Exercise Basic Guidelines
As a NYC personal trainer I’ve had the pleasure to work with many clients through their pregnancy and post-pregnancy to get them back to shape. In fact I vividly remember my first time training a client through her first pregnancy. I was very nervous and researched everything on the ACOG (American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) and was annoying the crap out of the OBGYN to ensure everything was within their guidelines :).
Respect Strength
Strength is a key attribute many gym rats are trying to acquire but in my opinion people don’t respect strength enough. Now I’m not talking about respect the positive effects of strength, I’m talking about respecting the acquisition of strength. Fitness marketing schemes and crappy personal trainers  constantly promise fast results that they can’t deliver or if they do it’s by PED’s which is [Read more…]
Tips to Help You Squat
If you want to squat but have mobility issues, feeling stiff, or unstable this post is for you. And its perfectly timed since it’s “Squat Monday!” However, I do want to clarify that while I believe the squat is a staple exercise, it’s not the magic potion to get a booty or become the best athlete on the field. With that said, if you do squat [Read more…]
Personal Training Info You Should Read
Today’s a quick one for you guys but still great reads especially for personal trainers and fitness enthusiasts.
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How to Start a Workout Routine for Women
Starting a workout routine can be difficult, especially for women since there are so MANY different fitness fads targeting females and BS fitness fallacies out there. i.e. women shouldn’t lift weights or they’ll get bulky?! This one peeves me beyond believe, if it was that easy to put on muscle every meathead at the gym would look [Read more…]
10 Reasons to Hire a Personal Trainer Part 2
Around the New Years time we posted the first part of  “10 Reasons to Hire a Personal Trainer “. In the post we discussed the staggered statistics that the #1 New Years resolution of 2012 was to “Lose Weight”, of that population 8% of the people actually achieved their [Read more…]