We’ve discussed this before, how the Personal Training field is completely unregulated. This clearly will attract EXTREMELY unqualified “trainers” to jump into the field and thus we have high level trainers and really REALLY low level personal trainers. Because of this I’m often asked, “Is XYZ safe for me to do, my personal trainer has me do it”. So I thought it’ll be a great posting to discuss when you should run for the exits! [Read more…]
Battling The Cold Weather
This week is apparently supposed to be one of the coldest weeks of the Winter here in New York City! If you have to travel all around the city like many personal trainers in NYC do, it’s not fun…that wind gust at 5 am is BRUTAL!
The “I Know…” Guy
With YouTube, internet articles, journals, videos, etc… we have a TON of information at our disposal. Pretty much anything you want to look up you can find on the internet from surgery to how to squat…now that doesn’t mean it’s all correct.
3 BASIC Industry Personal Training Tips Part 1
This post isn’t about fitness tips or about how trainers need to fully educate themselves, go to seminars, do site visits or what have you. It’s also not about [Read more…]
Commercial Gym Salesman Errr, I Mean Personal Trainers
I’ve been pretty disappointed with the fitness field and it’s influx of unqualified sketchy Personal Trainers that are also Actor/Models/Dancers/ or insert anything else thats contract based…
The “Tread Push”
Everyone has used the treadmill for sprints, back pedaling, shuffling etc… And there are so many other types of treadmills that can crush you, such as the Tred-Sled:
Rest and Speed
Sprint Training
Running mechanics and technical efficiency are very important in many sports, sprinting is one of them. In fact many people envision sprint training as high intensity, non-stop pace, similar to what you’ll see in a BS fitness media show (biggest loser).
Why Personal Training Certifications Do NOT Matter?
The personal trainer, strength and conditioning coach, sports performance coach, physical preparation coach or whatever tag line you want to put as your title, it’s still all about fitness. The problem with fitness is that it’s unregulated, there is no state licensure to show that you have a standardized foundation. While many personal trainers, especially in New York City, like to say that they are “certified”, what does this actually mean?
[Read more…]
Fitness Smoke and Mirrors
So we all know it’s the new year and everyone is into working out. This is great, I love training and I wish more people would appreciate it too. BUT [Read more…]
Lifestyle or FAD
It’s that time of year again where EVERYONE is into fitness and creating long arduous goals that quite frankly will not be executed. It’s sad to say but let’s be honest here, did you complete 3/4 of your 2012 goal list? What about your 2011, 2010, 2009?….probably not.