As a personal trainer and performance coach in NYC I’m always looking for simple light weight equipment thats versatile, effective, and LIGHT [Read more…]
Protein POW
This really is the coolest site for nutrition, whether you’re looking for protein pizza, protein cheese cake, protein muffins, pretty much any type of food Anna Sward as added in protein powder to [Read more…]
Firing Up Your Nervous System
Your nervous system is what coordinates your actions. It consists of two main parts, the central nervous system (brain and spinal [Read more…]
3 BASIC Tips for the Personal Trainer Part 2
This is part two of BASIC tips for the personal trainer. It’s all pretty common sense stuff, unfortunately you see it getting broken everyday, if [Read more…]
Olympic Weightlifting for Sport Athletes
Olympic Weightlifting is a sport that requires mobility, speed, power, strength, and believe it or not coordination. The sport is comprised of the:
What Are You Willing To Do?
“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, and others make it happen.”
― Michael Jordan
I get many calls from athletes saying they are willing to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to make it to the pros, college, or whatever level of their respective sport is…but do you REALLY know what it takes to get to the next level?
Max Strength
Back in 2002 I learned about the “West Side” system during my ECU days. What I gathered from the research I had, which was basically me ripping [Read more…]
Anatomy Seminar Worth It?
There’s been a huge influx of personal trainers fixated on anatomy, to the point that many are going to cadaver seminars. From the education perspective it’s great, from the [Read more…]
Drinking Your Calories?
As personal trainers, especially in NYC, we need to keep informing clients that if you want to fight off bad weight, DON’T [Read more…]
Following the Herd?
We’ve talked about how the fitness field is represented by too many unqualified so called “PERSONAL TRAINERS“. Many of whom are [Read more…]