As a sports performance coach and NYC personal trainer, my goal when training an athlete is to help them excel as much as possible on the field. This means the athlete [Read more…]
Full Plank
I’m a big fan of plank variations for trunk stabilization or ‘core strength’ ~ not a big fan of that word. As a NYC personal trainer I’m always looking for
3 MUSTS of a Qualified NYC Personal Trainer
Personal training in NYC is getting to be a bit absurd. While every field has it’s own obstacles the personal training field sadly has no minimum requirements. Yep, that means ANYONE can become a trainer, there is no licensure to [Read more…]
Benefits of the Power Clean
The power clean is an accessory lift for Olympic weightlifters but can be utilized by any fitness enthusiasts. If you’re not familiar with what a power clean is, it’s one full [Read more…]
Meet the Client
Being a NYC personal trainer I get to train a wide demographic range from high level athletes to a young 60+ year old wanting to stay fit. To be honest, there really isn’t much of a difference from my time in the college and professional arena to now. Whether it’s personal training in NYC or working at the college/pro level, we still need to develop and [Read more…]
3 Common Strength Mistakes
Strength is key for just about any sport. Talk to any strength and conditioning coach, NYC personal trainer, or sports performance coach in Manhattan and they’ll tell you to respect strength. I mean who doesn’t want to be strong, it’s fun and it’s bad ass. The common [Read more…]
High Rep Squats
There’s just something about high rep squats, they get the heart pumping, the legs fried, and your lungs burning. It’s a tortious lift to do but gives you a sense of accomplishment. High rep squat tests your pain threshold, determination, focus, and drive…it’s you against [Read more…]
Squat Mobilization Cure
Yesterday we talked about the benefits of compound exercises such as the squat. Compound movements like the squat are great exercise movements that will not only get the heart pumping but also build great strength. The only problem is [Read more…]
Stop Wasting Your Time
As a NYC personal trainer I get to travel all around Manhattan and see many various training styles from qualified or unqualified personal trainers. One of my [Read more…]
NYC Personal Trainer Must Haves Summer Edition
New Yorkers had it pretty rough last week. The heat wave was brutal especially for us in-home personal trainers travelling around Manhattan. Just last week, I was stuck in traffic and was about to run late for a client, so I bolted out of the taxi and sprinted 5 blocks. [Read more…]