Fusion Performance Training

Best Fitness Headphones


Being an personal trainer in New York City, I travel all around Manhattan training in-home, private training gyms and so on. This means I’m constantly taking off and on my headphones. While this may not seem like it’s that big of a deal, it actually causes me to go through wired ear buds very quickly. So I looked into blue tooth ear buds and it lead me to the Jaybird BlueBuds X Sports.

Jaybird BlueBuds X

These bluetooth earbuds are probably one of the best investments I made on earbuds. I’ve spent some good money on Monsters and despite the high quality make, the wires would give out because of the wear and tear due to traveling around NYC as a personal trainer- basically them getting ripped out on a constant basis.

The Good

The Bad

Final Thoughts

In the end it’s what you value, while it’s an initial cost in the long run I believe it’ll be well worth the investment. Like I said earlier, I’ve spent good money on high performance earbuds and while they sound spectacular there is a BIG limiting factor = the cord. Running around Manhattan to my personal training clients I’ve had my wire tugged on and/or ripped right of my ear- we all know that’s damn annoying. This is the main culprit why I’ve gone through so many ear buds and with bluetooth sets you don’t have to worry about that at all. So for me the value of spending the initial price of $142.34 is well worth it since I won’t need new earbuds every x3 months, that alone is well worth it, the sound quality will be way better too! Finally it’s nice to lift in the gym without worry about my phone falling out or something snagging the cords.

Here’s a solid video review about the JayBird Blue Buds X.


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Stay strong,
Team Fusion Trained

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