Fusion Performance Training

Benefits of Personal Training for Women

Benefits of Personal Training for Women

There are many benefits to hiring a personal trainer, especially for women. The reason being is because of the many fitness fads and fallacies that are wide spread and directly marketed to women. I’ve heard ludicrous statements such as:

“Women shouldn’t lift any heavier than 3-5lbs when lifting weights”

“Women should only do 20-30minutes of weight training”.

These type of statements and fitness marketing schemes get to be truly confusing and can potentially make you work harder in the gym with the little benefit. Below are few points to discuss the benefits of hiring a personal trainer, not just for women, but for everyone.

Benefits of Hiring a Personal Trainer for Women



A qualified personal trainer will help maximize your workout = burn a heck of a lot more calories during the workout, while building toward the body you want and have been working so hard for! The personal trainer should also have a structured program that’ll maximize the session and allow you still to have your personal time outside of the gym = great balance!

Learn from the Personal Trainer

You not only get a great motivator from the trainer but you’ll also learn many things from the training sessions, such as:

Weight-room Intimidation 

If you’re new to fitness, sometimes the weight-room can be a bit intimidating to step into. Depending on the gym, there are meatheads throwing around big weights and giving off a negative vibe. While perception may seem that they are territorial, a majority of the time fitness goers are very supportive of each other, especially of women lifting weights because of the many positive benefits associated with it.

Working with a personal trainer can also help you feel more comfortable in the weight room by giving you the tools to know what to do with the equipment and having a set plan, instead of wandering around aimlessly. If it’s a particularly ‘hardcore’ gym, you’ll also gain the respect of the members by lifting appreciable weights, having a structured program, and not just running on the treadmill.


One of the most common excuses for not working out is time. But if you have a paid and set appointment with a personal trainer, you’re going to make it to that session! 🙂 From there it’ll start to become a routine and in no time this routine will turn into a lifestyle. Now, I’m not saying it’ll be easy but with the help of a personal trainer you’ll develop an obtainable and realistic goal throughout the training process. Always keep in mind that it’s a process that’ll take time, I love this quote and think it’s completely applicable:

“Habits start like twigs that are easily broken. But throughout time, they become steel rods” Frosty Westering

Your habits will become a “steel rod” with consistency. Fight on!

New Perspective and Insight on Nutrition and Fitness

The fitness field is abundantly filled with various answers that’ll tug you in every direction. Pick up a women’s fitness magazine and you’ll read that paleo is the best diet, than the one day kellog diet is the only way to go, or some other random fitness marketing scheme that’s popular today. There are just so much junk getting pushed out that it’s very hard to focus on what’s actually beneficial. This is where a personal trainer can get you focused on a structured nutrition and fitness path and goal that’s tailored to you and also better inform you of the facts and fallacies of fitness and nutrition. With the new found focus and tools that the personal trainer has educated you with, you should now have set goals and strategies to build yor way to success. However if things are not working out, the trainer and yourself will than need to reassess and come to a solution that’ll better suite your needs and lifestyle.


Working with a personal trainer will help you achieve the goals you may not currently be achieving. The trainer will use some of the method mentioned above and others to develop a path to successfully achieving your goals. There are even times where the client may not realize the results. As a personal trainer in NYC I’ve helped many of my clients recognize their results that has changed over time both in strength and aesthetics. This is also why it’s important to take pictures and/or measurements to have a baseline to compare to. Those small changes over time become BIG changes!

Consider the Following Before you Hire a Personal Trainer:

Stay strong,

Team Fusion Trained 

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