Benefits of the Power Clean


Personal Training NYC

From columbus weightlifting

The power clean is an accessory lift for Olympic weightlifters but can be utilized by any fitness enthusiasts. If you’re not familiar with what a power clean is, it’s one full movement from the ground to the shoulders, like so:

The power clean is a simple movement that’s fun to do and relatively easy to master. While many people talk about the power development aspect from the power clean during the extension phase -mimics jumping-

I’d like to discuss the upper back development and ‘fun factor’ of it. Meaning it’s great for the team atmosphere and for meatheads alike.

Personal Trainer NYC

Upper Back

The power clean is not only great for developing hip power but also upper body strength too. The pull creates a lot of tension on the back, upper back, and traps– as you can see from the above pic. After the extension point (jump) the lifter will engage the arms and shoulders to keep the momentum of the bar up until it’s racked. This is one of many reasons why Olympic weightlifters have such developed upper backs, forearms, shoulders, and traps.

Fun Factor

*Not condoning the lift BUT a lot of “fun factor” going on here.

Mike Boyle had mentioned this in one of his posts and I completely agree, the power clean is just fun to do! It’s a quick explosive lift that has no give, it’s either you miss or nail it! It’s also a great way to motivate the team, as most coaches know it’s not just about a well structured program but also making sure the team is motivated and having fun. As you can see from the University of Idaho’s power clean max day, it’s a great way to build team morale and camaraderie.

Stay strong,

Team Fusion Trained


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Chris MatsuiAbout the Author

Chris Matsui is a highly sought after Performance Training Coach in NYC who has worked with high-level athletes and general fitness clients of all ages and at every fitness level. He has a unique background that consists of personal training in the private setting and sports performance training at the professional and collegiate level. Connect with Chris on Google+

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