3 Exercises to Strengthen Your Pull Ups


Manhattan Personal Trainer

Pull Ups

Throughout my time in the Carolinas working with NCAA and NFL athletes, to my time now as a NYC personal trainer, I still believe that pull ups are extremely beneficial for strength and postural development. It’s also a great tangible goal that I believe everyone can achieve, if you just train for it. With the right programming and determination you should be able to nail at least one FULL pull up, that means all the way down and all the way up- shoulders to the bar.

While you maybe thinking that only my athletes are able to do pull ups, this couldn’t be further from the truth. I’ve had many every day new yorkers pump out pull ups for reps! And many of them could barely do a negative when they started…some are even doing weighted pull ups.

With that said, if you want to do a pull up and can’t, here are a few pull up variations to add into your routine.

Isometric Pull Up

If you’re old enough, you remember the isometric hangs during elementary P.E. class. This is where you just hold yourself at the top of the pull up bar. It’s a great introduction to a pull up, for those that do not have enough strength to lower themselves down in a ‘negative’ just yet.

How To:

  • Jump up and hold yourself up to the bar, simple as that 🙂


  • Generally speaking, you’ll want to progress your time each week or your sets/reps. essentially you want your total volume to increase from week to week.
  • Ex: Wk 1: 3 sec holds 3×3 Wk 2: 4 sec holds 3×3 Wk 3: 3sec hold 3×5

Negative Pull Up

The negative pull up is a great way to strengthen the specific muscles for a full pull up. This is generally utilized in the very beginning stages of a pull up program.

How To:

  • Simple use a box, jump up, and lower yourself down in a slow controlled manner in the given amount of seconds.


  • 3+ sec and repeat for 3+ times. Each week try to lower yourself down slower or increase the reps.
  • Example: Wk1: 2x5sec Wk2: 3x5sec Wk3: 3x7sec Wk4: 3x10sec

Assisted Band Pull Up

The assisted band pull up is a great variation to strengthen you throughout the full range of motion of the pull up.

How To:

  • Simply get a jump stretch band, there are many tension strengthens I suggest the green from rogue.
  • Loop it around the pull up bar.
  • Slide either one knee or both in the band.
  • Do the pull up.
  • When unloading from the band, make sure not to just release your knee out while the band is under tension = band to your face…


  • 1-3+ set of 5+ reps
  • Example: Wk 1: 2×8 Wk 2: 3×8 Wk3: 3×10 Wk4: 3×10+

General Rule

  • Make sure there is no pain throughout the movement.
  • Lower yourself down in a controlled manner. Do NOT go down fast and uncontrolled.
  • Make sure to keep your shoulder blades down and away from your ears.
  • Try to minimize any swinging- despite the videos…

Stay strong,

Team Fusion Trained

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Chris MatsuiAbout the Author

Chris Matsui is a highly sought after Performance Training Coach in NYC who has worked with high-level athletes and general fitness clients of all ages and at every fitness level. He has a unique background that consists of personal training in the private setting and sports performance training at the professional and collegiate level. Connect with Chris on Google+

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