The supplement industry is a BILLION dollar field. It’s crazy that people think a single pill will be the cure all, especially with all the knowledge that’s out there.
I’m sure many of you have heard this but it can’t be over stated, “A supplement is just that a SUPPLEMENT to help fuel an EXISTING strong diet.”
With that said let’s go over the 3 supplements that I feel are beneficial.
Fish Oil
This little stinky pill has been PROVEN effective for those that suffer with high triglycerides. To the point that there is now a pharmaceutical grade fish oil called ‘Lovaza’.
Possible effectiveness for:
- Arthirtis
- High blood Pressure
- Asthma
- Weight-loss
1-4 grams is generally recommended. For the athletic population I’ve seen dosage as high 1 gram per percent body fat. So it’ll depend on your goals, in either case I’d at the minimum take the recommended dosage.
Everyone knows what this product is and it’s been proven time after time. Yet some fear that it’ll cause kidney damage, watch this from our very own Fusion Power Lifter and Emergency MD, he’ll also talk about the effectiveness of Creatine Ethyl Ester vs. Creatine Monohydrate.
Also note that you need creatine saturation in your muscles for it to be effective. Just like lifting you’ll need to be consistent with it.
3-5 grams, I wouldn’t go too far over this. I warned one of my athletes about this and he learned the hard way…
Vitamin D3
D3 is found in many dietary sources such as eggs, milke, and fish. But it’s best known for the vitamin from the sun, “as little as 10 minutes of exposure is thought to be enough to prevent deficiencies”(3).
Vitamin D3 is proven to help:
- Asthma
- Rickets
- Osteomalacia
- Immune strength