The thoracic spine is an interesting area of the body vertebral column. It’s mean to have flexion, extension, and a rotation. With that said, as we get older and life wears on us, it’s common to get a this:
Archives for November 2012
For Interns Part 1
If you’re trying to break into the fitness field, you need to intern or volunteer with a qualified Coach. With that said, I plan to make this a series for future interns to learn from my own dumb mistakes. I’ve done MANY intern/volunteer positions, so to say the least I’ve made many mistakes. Make sure to learn from my mistakes and others so that you don’t make a jackass out of yourself…
The ABSOLUTES of Fitness
The personal training and fitness field is funny, meaning EVERYONE is an expert. I’m happy that there are those extremely enthusiastic about the field but please don’t use terminologies you don’t understand, i.e. I heard someone say “the insertion of the hamstring inverts toward the medial aspect of the tibia”….the reality is that the hamstring is made up by 3 parts:
The Warm Up
A warm up is very important for everyone, including athletes and regular weekend warriors. It’s a simple concept that is way too often overlooked. Most people jog on the treadmill for 5-10min, break a sweat and think they are ready to go. I even remember a athlete of mine that thought sitting in the hot tub was considered a warm up???
Palloff Hold
The “Palloff Hold” is a great trunk strengthening exercise that you should be implementing in your routines. In the top video we go over 3 different variations:
Keeping the Annual “Program” Simple BUT Effective

The “Program”
NYC Personal Trainers and Strength & Conditioning Coaches, we’ve all been a part of it, the on going research for the holy grail, the “Perfect Program”. Unfortunately, there is no such thing but with a strong foundational knowledge and coaching skill we can get close.